Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Camp Concern ministry this summer. The weeks were wet and muddy, especially the first two, but God was glorified, the gospel was shared, fun was had, and memories were made.

Over the next couple of weeks, we'll update the photo gallery to include pictures from the weeks. In the meantime, please pray for our campers and staff, and for the early planning of Camp Concern 2016.

Here are the tentative dates for next year's Camp Concern sessions:

July 8 -- 10: College Age Retreat (ages 19-22)
July 10 -- 16: Senior Week (ages 15-18)
July 17 -- 23: Secodary Week (ages 13-14)
July 24 -- 30: Intermediate Week (ages 11-12)
July 31 -- August 6: Junior Week (ages 8-10)